ARES Tape Classic

Used in the treatment of muscle, fascia and tendon symptoms. Instantly enhances the natural healing process due to improved circulation in the taped area.

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ARES Tape Classic features a wave-patterned adhesive design with the same elasticity as human skin which helps improve blood/lymph circulation and relieve muscle pains. Used to treat muscles injuries, general muscle pain and provides support for muscles and joints.

– Improves circulation in the taped area
– Acrylic heat-activated backing
– Comfortable to wear
– Can be worn in pool and shower (water-resistant)

– Colours: Blue, beige, orange, green, red, purple, yellow, pink, black
– Latex-free hypoallergenic cotton fibre tape
– Size:
— Small (5cm x 5m)
— Large (5cm x 31.5m)

Nappi Code: 1126795-001

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Blue, Green, Orange, Pink, Purple, Red, Yellow, Beige, Black